How To Prevent Pet Urine Damaging Your Carpets

How To Prevent Pet Urine Damaging Your Carpets

Along with the rise of modern office culture, diversity and gender acceptability a new phenomenon has emerged in the form of office pets. Lots of offices theses days are even adding their pets to their team pages or describing them as their team mascots. While this can be good for team morale, it can also keep the commercial cleaning team from busy if the dogs aren’t proficiently toilet trained.

Your carpets can take more than their fair share of abuse in the form of mud, dirt, grime, and staining such that carpet cleaning is needed to get them back looking as they should, and to prevent further damage to them and reducing their lifetime.

One type of stain found in many homes and (now some offices), given our love of pets, is staining from pet urine. Most pets are lovable creatures ranging from tiny kittens all the way up to full-grown giant dogs like Dobermans, and whilst they may all differ in size, they all share one natural function, and that is the need to pee.

Of course, many adult pets will have complete control over their bladder, and the likelihood of their urine ending up on your carpets is negligible. However, even these pets may occasionally have an accident through illness or simply through getting over excited. Obviously, with pups and kittens still learning that the place to urinate is outside or in a litter tray,  the risk of urine on carpets is much greater.



Why Dental Implants Are The Best Option To Replace Missing Teeth

People lose their teeth for all kinds of reasons and dentists will inform you that not all of them are a result of poor oral hygiene. Many a tooth has been lost whilst playing contact sports, as a result of a fall, during a fight with someone, or from someone assaulting the person in question. In addition, we have the aforementioned poor oral hygiene, and certain illnesses can also make someone more prone to their teeth becoming loose and falling out.

Modern science has not yet come up with a way of us growing new teeth, although research into stem cells might offer us one pathway to that in the future. Until then, we are not there yet, so we currently only have solutions to missing teeth that are artificial, however, some are very effective to the extent that anyone looking at someone who has had their teeth replaced, cannot tell the difference.

One solution which any Perth Dentist will tell you has grown enormously in popularity over the past 30 years is dental implants. In practice this involves embedding small posts, usually made from titanium metal, into the jawbone, and screwing the replacement teeth into these posts. As such dental implants do follow a procedure that includes assessments, manufacturing, fitting, and ultimately minor surgery using either a local or in a few instances, general anaesthetic.


13 Tips For a Successful Landscaping Business

13 Tips For a Successful Landscaping Business

If you are tired of the 9-5 routine, you may have considered setting up your own business, there are many work-from-home opportunities available these days, and it can be quite easy to set up something to bring in an income when you use the computer and internet. But if you like being more hands-on, you might prefer something else, such as landscaping.

Professional landscapers, provide us with a list of what you need to do to be successful in this area?

  • A love of working outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine.
  • A reasonable amount of muscle since you will be doing some lifting and other hard physical work.
  • A knowledge of plants and designing skills, so your work is amazing.
  • A friendly disposition so your clients feel they want to hire you. And so you can get them to tell you exactly what they want and you can suggest even better solutions.
  • The ability to work machinery. This depends on whether you choose small jobs or want to get into the larger landscaping of schools grounds, hospitals and other organisations.
  • Handyman skills so you can offer additional work such as concreting pathways, building retaining walls, fencing, installing a swimming pool or adding a gazebo. Unless you outsource that work, it will be more expensive for the client.
  • The ability to work for yourself. You may think that sounds easy, but your business will not be successful if you are not disciplined about showing up when you are supposed to and working a full day.


5 Essential Tips For Weeding Your Landscaped Garden

Regardless of whether someone is tending a small window box or responsible for maintaining a vast landscaping project designed and built by a professional from a Perth landscaping company like Martin Cuthbert Landscapes, they will both face up to the same enemies, and those enemies are weeds. Whilst weeds might be considered by some to be part of nature and have as much right to exist as any other living organism on this planet, there will not be many gardeners who agree with them.

Instead, most landscape gardeners and those responsible for maintaining gardens would tell you that if they had three wishes, whilst 2 might relate to wealth and living a long life, the third wish would be eliminating weeds from existence. Unless you have been lucky enough to find a magic lamp with a genie inside, 3 wishes will unlikely come your way. Therefore, you must seek less magical means of eliminating weeds from your landscape garden, such as these.

Educate Yourself

There are bound to be gardeners reading this with varying degrees of knowledge in relation to weeds. Whichever level you are at it is essential that you can identify the weeds in your garden. Some will be obvious, but you might need to refer online or to a gardening book for others. Further to this, by identifying the weeds you have, you are better equipped to know how to deal with each one effectively.


Web Design – Should You Always Follow the Latest Trends?

Web Design – Should You Always Follow the Latest Trends?

Web design is a bit like house design; different trends evolve over time. If your business website was designed 10 or more years ago and you’ve never changed it, you might be wondering if you need to upgrade. Much depends on what your website was designed to do – and if it is still performing as you would like it to.

There have been many changes in website design over just the last few years. Some are excellent; others not so good. Once it was thought that if a website had all the bells and whistles that were available and popular at the time, it would be a success. Then it was found that adding all that stuff not only confused visitors, but made the page load slowly.

Both of these results ended up turning visitors away from the website. Visitors to a website are looking for something specific and the quicker they find it the happier they are. If they have to wade through the muddy waters of too much stuff that’s not really what they are after they’ll leave. And of course, a page that loads slowly is a turn-off right from the start.

While it seems that simple is best when it comes to websites, remember that your ancestors had a simple house. They thought it was great because there was nothing else to compare it with. But it may not have had running water or electricity. Similarly, you can be too simple when it comes to websites.


Getting Your Business Online Quickly

Getting Your Business Online Quickly

Most businesses these days have an online presence. Not only is it good for your business, but people expect it.  With the upsurge of all things Internet over the last few years, if a business has no website people tend to wonder if it is actually a bona fide business. Once the decision has been made to go online you will want to get everything set up as quickly and efficiently as possible and the best way to do that is to consult a professional digital marketing agency right from the start.

Of course, you will have to work out what you want your website to accomplish before you go ahead. Is it just to advertise the business or do you want to take orders, sell products, offer a service or just provide a contact point? The digital agency needs to know so they can set up the website properly.

An eCommerce website will need a shopping cart and a merchant that accepts credit cards and PayPal at the very least. If you are just offering a service, these won’t be needed. If you are selling products you’ll need things like a returns policy and other similar things that you will have seen when shopping online yourself. But a website that is just to harvest email addresses will not need those extra things.

So having thought about how you want your website to work, you then have to hire the digital agency to do the work. You’ll work with them and may need to fill out a brief, answering the questions they need to know. Your business name and logo will have to be sent to them so they can use them on your website, which then can be used for Internet Marketing.


Why SEO is Essential for Your Website

Why SEO is Essential for Your Website

SEO or search engine optimisation is essential for your website. Why? If you have ever surfed the web you will know that you type in your keyword to the search engine and look through that first page of results. Then you usually choose one of the first three websites that look as if they have what you want. How do those pages turn up on the first page? Through Expert SEO techniques.

In actual fact, the search engines return many more pages of results for that keyword you typed in, but you – like most other people – know that those first pages have the most relevant information on them. You know this because you trust the search engine to find it for you. While some people choose to look at some of the results further down the page or to click on the next few pages in their search, in most cases people will choose something from the first page and even from the top of that first page. It is human nature to want a speedy experience and this is how to get it.

How to get in the top position

Digital agency experts say, to get your website in that top position, where more people are likely to click on it takes expert SEO techniques. While organic, relevant copy on your website is of the utmost importance, information that includes the right keywords and offers value to the visitor is also important. For example, if you are a landscaping business, you would need to focus your SEO for landscapers. Not just one page either; the more new information you have, the more likely it is that the search engines will deem your site to be an authority on the topic, whatever that happens to be. The result? They’ll choose your website to be one of those on the first page results.


Web Design – Your Image, Graphic and Visual Options

Web Design – Your Image, Graphic and Visual Options

Images are one of the most effective ways of communicating knowledge and meaning. The examples exist throughout human history with cave paintings in France, hieroglyphics in Egypt and indigenous art in Australia all showing that communicating stories and ideas through images is a universal trait we all share.

Just because websites can host an unlimited amount of text, it doesn’t mean that they should. In fact, website experts say most websites could be greatly improved by paying far more attention to images and visuals.

We’ve identified the most effective ways of communicating through images and broken them down below to give you a solid overview of the different ways you could add these elements to your website to reach your customers better.

Logo Familiarity

Your logo is the ‘face’ of your business. And just like any relationship, you want people to remember your ‘face’. The simplest way you can do that is to make sure that your logo is present on every one of your web pages, and also in the footer of each page.

Sliding ‘headers’ that stay pinned to the top of the screen while browsers scroll through your pages can accomplish this goal as well.

Another neat trick you can use it to add a ‘moving’ element to your logo by animating it. Google does this to good effect to highlight important dates, holidays and people but even something as simple as having the logo unfurl as the page is opened for the first time can accomplish the job.


6 Sports Where Netting Is Essential

6 Sports Where Netting Is Essential

Even if you are not the most ardent of sports fans, you will know that many sports rely upon and utilise netting in one way or another. Netting specialists will tell you sports netting either plays an intrinsic part in the way that a sport is played, or it is utilised in other ways such as during practice and spectator safety.

There are many pieces of sports equipment that people take lots more notice of and pay plenty of attention to such as the ball in football, the bat in cricket, and the clubs in golf. However, sports nets tend not to be at the top of the agenda when people discuss sports equipment. They exist, almost unnoticed, but it is certain, if they were not there, sports fans, and participants, would soon notice.

To give you a better understanding of what we mean here are some examples of sports nets and a brief explanation of why they are so important to that sport.


How To Request That Old Convictions Are Considered Spent

If you have been previously convicted of a crime, even if you served your sentence or paid the fine, it can still cause a number of difficulties in your life. Even with the best criminal lawyer representing you, they cannot simply wipe the slate clean for you, no matter how model a citizen you are now.

However, what your criminal lawyer can do is to start the process of having your conviction considered as spent. Once this occurs, you are no longer obligated by law to disclose that you have been previously convicted of a crime to anyone.

Now you might be thinking, that if you were asked to disclose any criminal convictions that you could simply not admit anything for the reason that you have already served your punishment, be that a prison sentence, community service, or a fine. Unfortunately, it is not that simple, and worse, by withholding that information, you could be committing yet another crime.

There are a number of circumstances in which you are legally obligated to disclose any previous conviction and when we explain them, you will hopefully understand why. First, anyone who is applying to become a police, prison or transport officer must disclose. This is understandable given that those who are employed to uphold the law, should not be lawbreakers themselves.

Other roles that involve high levels of duty of care must also disclose convictions. This list sees those who work in hospitals, schools, and care centres, as well as anyone who wishes to be a volunteer.
