
Why Dental Implants Are The Best Option To Replace Missing Teeth

People lose their teeth for all kinds of reasons and dentists will inform you that not all of them are a result of poor oral hygiene. Many a tooth has been lost whilst playing contact sports, as a result of a fall, during a fight with someone, or from someone assaulting the person in question. In addition, we have the aforementioned poor oral hygiene, and certain illnesses can also make someone more prone to their teeth becoming loose and falling out.

Modern science has not yet come up with a way of us growing new teeth, although research into stem cells might offer us one pathway to that in the future. Until then, we are not there yet, so we currently only have solutions to missing teeth that are artificial, however, some are very effective to the extent that anyone looking at someone who has had their teeth replaced, cannot tell the difference.

One solution which any Perth Dentist will tell you has grown enormously in popularity over the past 30 years is dental implants. In practice this involves embedding small posts, usually made from titanium metal, into the jawbone, and screwing the replacement teeth into these posts. As such dental implants do follow a procedure that includes assessments, manufacturing, fitting, and ultimately minor surgery using either a local or in a few instances, general anaesthetic.
