10 Little-Known Facts And Trivia About Cowboy Boots

10 Little-Known Facts And Trivia About Cowboy Boots

Have you been wearing cowboy boots for as long as you can remember, or have you never bought a pair? Whichever end of the scale you are at, we have another question; how much do you know about cowboy boots? Your answer might range from being an expert, including knowing the history of cowboy boots, to knowing nothing other than they are boots worn by cowboys.

Do not worry if you do not know much about cowboy boots, as no rule says you must for you to be able to buy or wear them. However, hopefully, you agree it would be interesting and a bit of fun if you knew some facts about cowboy boys that were not only eye-opening but, in some cases, downright shocking. If so, read on, and we will provide you with ten little-known facts and trivia about cowboy boots.

  • Cowboy boots did not originate in America but in Mongolia, England, or Spain, depending on who you ask. In truth, no one is 100% sure, as there have been various versions of leather boots throughout history, many of which are said to be the forerunners of cowboy boots.


A Man’s Guide To What To Wear With Western Boots

A Man’s Guide To What To Wear With Western Boots

There can be many reasons why a man would choose to wear western boots, also known as cowboy boots. He might find them the most comfortable footwear, he may like the styles and designs, he may love the fact that they are so hard-wearing, or it could simply be that he is a huge fan of all things associated with cowboys and/or old westerns.

No matter what reasons men are wearing western boots for, what many men might not be so certain about is what they should wear with their western boots. Now, we are sure many men wear western boots for practical reasons rather than trying to be stylish, and for them, they could not care less about how they look when wearing them.

However, there are certain to be men who wear western boots who also want to dress, not just for practical reasons, but also for how it makes them look and feel. So, in this article, we are going to provide some advice as to what men should wear with western boots, both for practical reasons, and also so that they look great too.
