5 Essential Tips For Weeding Your Landscaped Garden

Regardless of whether someone is tending a small window box or responsible for maintaining a vast landscaping project designed and built by a professional from a Perth landscaping company like Martin Cuthbert Landscapes, they will both face up to the same enemies, and those enemies are weeds. Whilst weeds might be considered by some to be part of nature and have as much right to exist as any other living organism on this planet, there will not be many gardeners who agree with them.

Instead, most landscape gardeners and those responsible for maintaining gardens would tell you that if they had three wishes, whilst 2 might relate to wealth and living a long life, the third wish would be eliminating weeds from existence. Unless you have been lucky enough to find a magic lamp with a genie inside, 3 wishes will unlikely come your way. Therefore, you must seek less magical means of eliminating weeds from your landscape garden, such as these.

Educate Yourself

There are bound to be gardeners reading this with varying degrees of knowledge in relation to weeds. Whichever level you are at it is essential that you can identify the weeds in your garden. Some will be obvious, but you might need to refer online or to a gardening book for others. Further to this, by identifying the weeds you have, you are better equipped to know how to deal with each one effectively.

Keep Yourself Safe

This applies to any time you work in your garden, but it is probably even more applicable when dealing with weeds. There are weeds with thorns, weeds that sting, and weeds that can create problems for your skin or eyes if anyone should come into contact with them. As such, always wear gloves, eye protection, and cover up exposed skin. We would also recommend a mask to avoid breathing in spores, especially if you suffer from asthma.

Wet Weeds Are Easier To Remove

It is always easier to pull weeds from the ground when the soil is wet, so you should aim for that scenario. Ideally, do your weeding after it has been raining. Alternatively, if you have had no rain for some time, water the soil around 2 or 3 minutes before you start pulling the weeds, and you will be amazed how easy it is to pull them out from the ground. One word of caution: if you have other plants nearby, do not flood the area with water, as this can damage them.

Use Natural Solutions Rather Than Chemicals

Whilst it might be very tempting to go out and buy a few gallons of weed killer to deal with the weeds in your garden, it is not the best way to do so. For a start, some chemicals can harm your other plants, nor are they particularly kind to the environment. There are plenty of environmentally friendly and organic weedkilling solutions that do not involve the use of harmful chemicals, such as vinegar and boiling water.

Mulch Is A Gardener Best Friend And Weeds’ Worst Enemy

Mulch is regarded as one of the most valuable aids to any gardener, and part of that designation is its ability to help get rid of weeds. When mulch is added on top of the soil where weeds thrive, it stops them from getting any light. This, in turn, hinders their germination process, and ultimately they die off as they cannot perpetuate their existence by reseeding themselves.