How to Find the Right Advice and Guidance for Your Small Business

How to Find the Right Advice and Guidance for Your Small Business

Setting up your own small business may be a dream come true, but if you don’t want it to turn into a nightmare, it is essential to get the right kind of advice and guidance. There are many different types of professionals who can help you in all areas of your business, from financial advisors for financial advice to digital agencies such as for digital marketing advice. Talking with a good Perth Wills Lawyer should always be one of the first steps, in fact, it is a good idea to keep on with the same lawyers all the time so they become familiar with you and your business and can advise you quickly whenever you need it.

Apart from solicitors, who else can help you in business? Setting up a business can be a complex undertaking and you should never fly solo unless you intend to be a sole trader; even then you’ll likely need an accountant. Here is a list of people you are likely to need for advice and help.

  • Accountants – apart from lawyers, an accountant is the next most important person to have guiding your business. Having an accountant to do your books will save you time and many headaches. An accountant can also advise you on many financial issues from whether your business can afford to expand through to legally paying the least amount of tax possible.
  • Insurance advisors – having a professional insurance advisor – one who doesn’t work for any specific company – will enable you to protect your business from many risks, even those that you haven’t thought about. They can tell you just how much insurance you need as well as what kind.


9 Benefits of a Binding Financial Agreement

9 Benefits of a Binding Financial Agreement

Many couples think of a Binding Financial Agreement (BFA) as a prenup, but it is much more than just that. Usually drawn up by a family lawyer, a BFA can be entered into at any stage of a relationship; before, during or after a marriage or de-facto relationship is entered into. If you were wondering what benefits such an agreement has, here are some of them.

  • When a BFA is drawn up when a couple are still happy, either before or during a relationship, it is highly likely to contain elements that are reasonable and agreeable to both parties. So if the relationship then fails, there is no need for either party to worry about whether it is fair or just.
  • People these days often go through more than one relationship. It can give a previously divorced person peace of mind that they won’t lose everything should another relationship failure occur.
  • Although a BFA can be made at any time, making one before or during a relationship is less stressful than making one after a breakup.
  • It can reassure the more financially stable party that their partner is not just marrying them for their money.
  • A BFA can be used to lay down ground rules about finances during a relationship. It can specify who will pay specific bills and who will be responsible for certain debts, as well as defining how much and where money should be spent.
  • It is much more cost effective to have a BFA drawn up beforehand than to go to court for settlement afterwards.
